Why the sky is blue? According To Science - Forbes

To understand why the sky is blue, we must consider the nature of sunlight and how it interacts with the gas molecules that make up our atmosphere. 

Sunlight, which is the white of human eyes, is a mixture of all the colors of the rainbow. For many purposes, sunlight can be thought of as an electromagnetic wave that moves up and down the charged particles (electrons and protons) of the interior of atoms passing through the atmosphere. 

When this happens, the oscillating charge produces electromagnetic radiation at the same frequency as incoming sunlight, but all are split in different directions. This redirection of sunlight through air atoms is called diffraction.

Why the sky is blue?

Day-time skies without clear clouds are blue because the atoms in the air diffuse more light from the sun than red light. When we look at the sun at sunset, red and orange colors appear as blue light.

A combination of all the colors of the rainbow from white to white light. This was illustrated by Isaac Newton, who used a prism to distinguish different colors and therefore created a spectrum. The colors of light differ in their different wavelengths. 

The visible portion of the spectrum reacts very strongly with three types of color receptors in the retina of the human eye with wavelengths of red, green, and blue, with orange, yellow, green, blue, and wavelengths of about 320nm. With, red light has wavelengths of about 320 nm. Gives sight

The blue component of the visible light spectrum has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency than the red component. 

Thus, as the sunlight of all colors passes through the air, the blue part shakes the charged particle faster than the red particles. 

The faster the oscillation, the more diffused the light, so blue is more powerful than red. For particles such as air molecules that are much smaller than the wavelength of visible light, the difference is dramatic. 
The acceleration of a charged particle is proportional to the square of the frequency and the intensity of the scattered light is proportional to the square of this acceleration. 

Thus the intensity of the scattered light is directly proportional to the fourth energy of the frequency. The result is that blue light spreads about 10 times as efficiently as the red light in other directions.

When we look at a voluntary point in the sky from the Sun, we only see the light that the atmosphere has changed in our line. Because it is more frequent for red to blue light, the sky looks blue. 

Violet light actually diffuses slightly more strongly than blue. The bulk of sunlight entering the atmosphere is blue compared to the atmosphere, but our eyes are somewhat more sensitive to blue light than purple light, so the sky appears blue.

Effect of Dust or Molecules?

Tandel and Rawle thought that the sky should be blue because of the vapor and water droplets of tiny particles of dust in the atmosphere. 

Even today people sometimes make mistakes that say it is the same. Scientists later realized that if this were true, there were different colors than the color of nature with humidity or mist conditions, so they correctly assumed that the air contained oxygen and nitrogen that the molecules provided was enough to disperse it. 

The event was eventually settled in 1 by Einstein, who calculated the formula for spreading light from a molecule.

We have been shown to agree with the experiment. Compared to the observations, he was able to use the count as further validation of the Abogado number. The molecules are able to disperse the light as the electromagnetic field of the light wave induces electric bilateral moments in the molecules.

The opposite happens when we see the sun setting on the horizon. We only see the light that does not spread to the other side. 

The red wavelength of sunlight that passes through the atmosphere without being disturbed reaches our eyes and does not spread tightly in scattered blue light. When sunlight is on the horizon, the greater the distance it travels from the atmosphere, the greater the effect - when the sun is higher, the blue light is more likely to spread. 

Thus, the setting sun can be seen in red. Small aerosol particles of sulfate, organic carbon or mineral dust in the polluted sky increase the spread of blue light, causing sunsets to occasionally appear under polluted conditions.

On the other hand, clouds are made up of water droplets that are much larger than the wavelength of visible light. They determine how the sunlight is transmitted and how light is reflected internally and scattered around the clouds. 

For these particles, the difference between the diffuse blue and red light is not nearly the same as that of gas molecules. 

Thus, our eyes receive enough scattered light in all visible waves, making clouds appear more white than blue, especially when viewed against a blue sky background.

As the sky turns blue, it spreads throughout the atmosphere, the sky of any planet cannot shine without its atmosphere. For example, photographs taken by Apollo Novocher on the Moon show him and the surface of the Moon bathed in sunlight, but away from the Sun, there is a completely dark sky on all sides.

Sunsets Effect

When the air is clear, the sunset will appear yellow, as the sun has traveled a long distance from the light air and scattered some blue light. If the air is contaminated with small or natural particles, the sun will turn red. 

The sun over the ocean may also turn orange due to salt particles in the air, which are effective tender scattering. The sky around the Sun is colored red, as well as direct light from the Sun, as all light spreads relatively well in small angles - but then blue light spreads over two or more distances, resulting in yellow, red, and orange. The color goes away.

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