What is Computer Languages? And Its Types & Examples

Computer Language Every country and state has its own language and due to this language people are able to understand each other's words. In the same way, a computer also has its own language which the computer understands and calculates and gives results. 

Programming language is a computer language designed by computer develop applications of computers. Like the traditional language, programming languages ​​have their own grammar, it also has letters, words, sentences, etc.

What is a computer language in computers?

Humans need language to interact with each other.  Language is a means of communication.  In the same way, in order to communicate with the computer, we must know the languages ​​of the computer.  

There are many types of computer languages ​​that have their own signs, characters, and rules of use that help a person interact with the computer.  A group of logically related instructions that are arranged sequentially so that it guides the computer in problem-solving is called a program.  

The languages ​​in which programed are written are called programming.  To get the right results it needs to be programmed correctly.

How Many Types of Computer (Programming) Languages 

The programming language is many. We understand some and some Languages understand computer. The languages ​​that only computer understands are usually called low-level language and the languages ​​which we can understand is called high-level language.
Programming Languages

Types of Computer Languages 

Computer language can be divided into the following three classes.
  1. Machine Code Language
  2. Assembly Language
  3. High-Level Languages

Low-Level Language

Languages ​​that do not include any translator to convert their signals into machine signals are called low-level languages, that is, there is no need to translate the code of the low-level language in some way.  It happens.  Machine Code Language and Assembly Language are two examples of this language.  

But it is very difficult to use them in the program.  To use it is necessary to have deep knowledge about computers.  It takes a lot of time and the chances of errors are very high.  Their execution is faster than high-level language. 

 These are of two types -
  1.  Machine Code Language
  2.  Assembly Language

Machine Code Language: 

In this language, each order has two parts - the Operation Code and the Location Code are expressed by grouping them in the order of 0 and 1. 

 In the early days of computers, different orders of 0 and 1 were used by programmers to order computers.  This language was timely, due to which assembly and high-level languages ​​were used.

Assembly Language:

In this language, a code to remember is used, which is called the mnemonic code.  Such as ADD for ADDITION, SUB for SUBTRACTION, and JMP for JUMP.  But the use of this language was limited to computers with a fixed structure, so these languages ​​were called low-level languages.

High-Level Language

A high-level language is designed keeping in mind the responsibility of being convenient, which means that this language depends on the machine.  A high-level language is similar to the English language code, so it is easy to code or understand.  

This requires a Translator, which translates high-level language programs into machine code language. Examples are - FORTRAN, BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL, C (C)  , C ++ (C ++), Java (JAVA), VISUAL BASIC, Visual Basic.net HTML, Sun Studio etc. is the language of this category.

Computer Languages

IBM company is responsible for the development of high-level languages.  The first high-level language called FORTRAN was developed by the efforts of this company.  After this hundreds of high-level languages ​​developed.  These languages ​​are very close to the languages ​​used in human speaking and writing.

Some of the high-level languages:

FORTRAN: The development of this computer language is courtesy of IBM.  Because did it in 1957.  This language was developed to solve mathematical formulas easily and in a short time.  

COBOL: is actually an abbreviation for Common Business Oriented Language.  This language was developed for commercial interests.  Paragraphs are a group of sentences written for the operation of this language.  All the paragraphs form a section and the sections consist of a division.

BASIC: This is a shortened version of the English words Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.  In this language, a certain part of the order contained in the program Can be farted, whereas in earlier languages ​​the entire program had to be inserted into the computer and further tasks were executed when the program was fixed.  

ALGOL: It is an abbreviation for Algorithmic Language of English.  It was designed for use in complex algebraic calculations.  
PASCAL: This is the modified form of Algol.  All variables are defined in it, due to which it is different from Algol and Basic.

COMAL: This is an abbreviation for Common Algorithmic Language.  This language is used for secondary-level students. 

LOGO: This language is used for teaching graphic underlines to young children. 
PROLOG: This is an abbreviation for the English word Programming in Logic.  This language was developed in France in 1973.  It has been developed for the tasks of artificial intelligence, capable of logical programming.

FORTH: This language was invented by Charles Moore.  It is used in all types of computer functions.  There is a commonality among all these high-level languages ​​that almost all of them have English alphabets (A, B, C, D .... etc.), and Indo-Arabian numerals (0,1,2,3, ... etc.). are used.

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