How to check Car Insurance | mParivahan, Vaahan, IIB Status Online 2023

In this article, we will tell you how to check car insurance online?. Another important aspect of checking your car insurance is to make sure that you have the correct coverage for your specific needs. For example, you should ensure that you have liability coverage in case you are found to be at fault in an accident and that you have collision coverage in case your car is damaged.

How to check Car Insurance

Additionally, you should check to see if you have any additional coverage such as roadside assistance, rental car coverage, or glass coverage.

It is also important to review your policy for any discounts or cost-saving options, such as bundling your car insurance with other types of insurance, such as home or life insurance.

It is also important to keep in mind that there may be changes to your policy that you are not aware of, such as changes to your coverage, changes to your deductibles, or changes to your premium. These changes can have a significant impact on your policy and it's important to stay informed.

Finally, it is important to shop around and compare car insurance policies from different companies to make sure you are getting the best coverage and the best price.

How to Check car insurance in India 2023?

In India, there are a few ways to check the status of your car insurance policy:

Contact your insurance company directly. You can call them or log into your account on their website to check the status of your policy.

Check your policy documents. You should have received a copy of your policy documents when you first purchased the insurance. Review these documents to check the coverage and expiration date of your policy.

Check the Insurance Information Bureau of India (IIB) website. The IIB maintains a database of all insurance policies issued in India, including car insurance policies. You can check the status of your policy on the IIB website.

Use online policy checker tools like PolicyBazaar, Coverfox, etc

Check with your vehicle registration department. They may have access to your insurance information and can tell you if your policy is current and valid.

It's important to regularly check your insurance policy to make sure it is up to date and that you have the coverage you need.

5 ways to check car insurance

  1. mParivahan App
  2. From Vaahan Portal
  3. With the help of the RTO office
  4. With the help of the IIB Portal
  5. By contacting the Insurance Company/Branch Office

What are 10 easy ways to get Cheap car insurance?

Shop around and compare policies from different insurance providers.

Increase your deductible, which is the amount you pay out of pocket before insurance kicks in.

Bundle your car insurance with other types of insurance, such as home or renters insurance.

Take advantage of discounts, such as those for good drivers, students, or multiple cars.

Consider a usage-based insurance program, which tracks your driving habits and offers discounts based on safe driving.

Improve your credit score, as insurance companies often use credit scores to determine rates.

Take a defensive driving course, which can qualify you for discounts.

Choose a car with a good safety record and lower insurance rates.

Purchase only the coverage you need and avoid add-ons that are not necessary.

Keep your car in a garage overnight, as this can also qualify you for discounts.

How can I check my car insurance in Parivahan?

You can check the status of your car insurance in the Parivahan Sewa website, which is run by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways of India.

Here are the steps to check your car insurance status on the Parivahan Sewa website:

Go to the Parivahan Sewa website (

Click on the "Vahan" tab, and then select the "Insurance Validity" option.

Enter the required details such as your vehicle registration number and the date of registration.

Click on "Get Details" and the insurance details of your car will be displayed on the screen.

You can also check the details of your car insurance on the Vahan website (

Cheapest Car Insurance Plans in India

In India, the cost of car insurance can vary depending on a number of factors such as the make and model of your car, your driving history, and the coverage you require. However, there are some ways to find the cheapest car insurance plan:

Compare quotes from different insurance companies: Getting quotes from different insurance providers and comparing them can help you find the cheapest plan. You can use online comparison websites like PolicyBazaar, Coverfox, PolicyX, etc to get multiple quotes at once.

Opt for a higher deductible: Increasing your deductible, which is the amount you pay out of pocket before insurance kicks in, can lower your premium.

Bundle your insurance policies: Bundling your car insurance with other types of insurance, such as home or renters insurance, can often result in discounts.

Take advantage of discounts: Look for discounts such as good driver discounts, student discounts, and multiple car discounts.

Choose a car with lower insurance rates: Some cars have lower insurance rates than others, so it can pay to choose a car that is cheaper to insure.

Consider a usage-based insurance program: Usage-based insurance programs can offer discounts based on safe driving, so it can be a good option for those who drive safely.

Keep your credit score high: Having a good credit score can help you get lower rates on your car insurance.

Take a defensive driving course: Taking a defensive driving course can qualify you for discounts on your car insurance.

Is monthly car insurance better?

It depends on your specific situation and needs. Monthly car insurance can be a more convenient option for some people, as it allows you to spread the cost of your insurance over 12 months rather than paying for an entire year's worth of coverage at once.

However, there are some downsides to consider. Monthly car insurance policies may come with additional fees, such as an installment fee, which can add to the overall cost of your insurance. Additionally, some insurance companies may charge a higher monthly rate for a policy that is paid on a monthly basis, as opposed to an annual policy.

How can I check my car insurance in IIB Portal?

The Insurance Information Bureau of India (IIB) maintains a database of all insurance policies issued in India, including car insurance policies. You can check the status of your policy on the IIB website by following these steps:

  • Go to the IIB website (
  • Click on the "Insurance Information" tab, and then select the "Insurance Validity Check" option.
  • Enter the required details such as your vehicle registration number and the date of registration.
  • Click on "Get Details" and the insurance details of your car will be displayed on the screen. The information displayed will include the policy number, the insurance company name, the policy start and expiry date, and the type of coverage.
  • You can also download the insurance certificate from the website.

Car Insurance Status Check Online 2023: FAQs

Can we check insurance details online?

Yes, you can check your car insurance details online in most cases. Many insurance companies have their own websites where policyholders can log in and view their policy details, including coverage, deductibles, and expiration date. Additionally, many state insurance departments have online databases where you can check the status of an insurance policy. You can also use online policy checker tools like PolicyBazaar, Coverfox, PolicyX, etc.

How to check car insurance through IIB portal?

You can also check the status of your car insurance policy using the Insurance Information Bureau of India (IIB) website, which maintains a database of all insurance policies issued in India, including car insurance policies.

How to check insurance by policy number?

You can check insurance by policy number by logging into your account on the official website.

How do I know if my car insurance is zero loan?

Zero Depreciation or zero dep or zero-dep or Bumper to Bumper insurance is a type of car insurance that is also known as "nil depreciation" or "zero dep" insurance. It covers the full cost of repairs to your vehicle, even if the parts are old or worn.

How can I check my car insurance status 2023?

You can check your Car Insurance Status in 2023 through mParivahan App, Vahan Portal, IIB Portal, Insurance Company/Branch Office, or RTO Office.

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